Saturday, March the 24th | Labirinto d'Acque 2018

Saturday, March the 24th

From 08:30 am to 01:30 pm

International conference

Research, development and innovation in spa medicine

Spa medicine is the focus of this conference that will take stock of recent progress and innovations in thermalism. Participants include Umberto Solimene (president of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatherapy), Christian Roques (University of Toulouse) and Zeki Karagulle (University of Istanbul).

As a result of man’s scientific, economic and social evolution, the use of water for therapeutic purposes has gone through ups and downs over the centuries but is now acquiring a central role in terms of therapeutic efficacy, also as a means of maintaining the state of health and well-being.

With lectures by: Umberto Solimene (FEMTEC), Plinio Richelmi (Pavia University), Marco Vitale (Parma University), Christian Roques (University of Toulouse), Zeki Karagulle (Universitày of Istanbul), Stefano Masiero (Padua University).

From 02:30 pm to 04:30 pm

International conference

Acqua primo alimento

This conference explores the close connection between water and nutrition, with contributions by Paolo Pinton (University of Ferrara), Marta Antonelli (BCFN Foundation) and Claudio Macca (Spedali Civili Brescia) who will explain how water is not just a chemical compound, but a nutrient in its own right, permitting the body to perform many vital processes.

From 05:00 pm

Salotti d’Acqua: Water & Sport

A discussion of the connections between water and sport with Federica Pellegrini, a swimming champion for whom the pool is a “second home”.

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