Friday, March the 23rd | Labirinto d'Acque 2018

Friday, March the 23rd

From 09:15 am to 05:30 pm

International conference in English

The Blue Challenges and Opportunities: from strategies to actions

Curated by the Region of Emilia Romagna.
Welcome speeches by: Stefano Bonaccini (President of the Region of Emilia Romagna), Paola Gazzolo (Regional secretary for the Environment) e Simona Caselli (Regional secretary for Agriculture). With lectures by: Brian Richter (University of Virginia), Gian Luca Galletti (Minister of the Environment), delegates of the governments of California, South Africa, Israel, a representative of GACSA – Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture, Pietro Laureano (UNESCO), Meuccio Berselli (Po River basin Authority), a representative of the Loire River basin Authority, a representative of C.E.R. – Emilia Romagna Canal, delegates from the cities of Barcelona and Copenhagen. In addition, exemplary models of water resource usage will be presented.

Vision, governance and innovation in policies to combat climate change and the impact on water resources and agriculture: This is the central theme of the conference “The Blue Challenges and Opportunities: from strategies into actions”, organized by the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Amongst others, participants include Brian Richter, one of the leading experts on the subject, who will give the opening key lecture, Pietro Laureano (UNESCO) and representatives of international institutions and institutions from various regions of the world that, like Emilia-Romagna, suffer the effects of climate change and will contribute their valuable experience of particularly effective policies and actions.

From 05:30 to 07:30 pm

Salotti d’Acqua: Water, Art and Architecture

Lectio Magistralis by Thierry Huau introduced by the architect Pier Carlo Bontempi, dedicated to three perfectly intertwined themes that stimulate ideas regarding landscape and culture.

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