Thursday March the 22nd | Labirinto d'Acque 2018

Thursday, March the 22nd

Dalle 9:30 am to 05:30 pm

World Water Day

Lectures and seminars by world-class scientists and science celebrities, coordinated by Prof. Luca Mercalli

This day is a chance to explore water in its the role of the most important matter of our existence. Its many aspects will be investigated in the context of current events with the help of scientists, communicators and representatives of institutions such as Alok Jha (Guardian science correspondent), Fabio Trincardi (National Research Council), Renzo Rosso (Polytechnic of Milan), Ferdinando Boero (University of Salento), Gianfranco Bologna (WWF Italy), Grammenos Mastrojeni (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

From the simplicity of its chemical composition to the complexity of its uses, from the need to preserve key water resources and to utilise them sustainably, to the problems of natural disasters and the effects of climate change, to the proposal of new solutions for the responsible and considerate use of water.

Dalle 18.00

Salotti d’Acqua: Water in Space

Samantha Cristoforetti and Gennadij Padalka interviewed by Tommaso Ghidini

A discussion on the theme of water in the universe, in an interview with Samantha Cristoforetti – the first Italian woman in space -, the Russian Gennadij Padalka – who has stayed in space longer than anyone else – and Tommaso Ghidini, head of the Materials Technology sector of the European Space Agency (ESA), conducted by Piero Bianucci, writer and scientific journalist.

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