Thursday March the 22nd, 02:30 pm
The Bologna HPC & Big-Data Excellence Pole and Climate Change.
Scientists and Decision Makers are now facing new and pressing challenges due to Climate Change. Based on the most recent scientific reports, water resources and water management is one of the major criticalities to be dealt with in the Mediterranean region. Scientific research, integrated monitoring, modelling capability and advanced technology are some of the most relevant aspects to develop effective strategies and plans toward Climate Change mitigation and adaptation.
The Emilia-Romagna expertise on Big data, and the presence of CINECA and INFN High Performance computing nfrastructures, will allow the implementation of Integrated Research Data Infrastructure at the Bologna HPC and Big Data Technopole currently underway. This infrastructure, together with the high level knowledge and expertise in Meteorology and
Climatology already existing in the Bologna area, will give the opportunity to improve and detail Climate Change aspects and impacts in different sectors and at different time and space scales.
The recent establishment in Bologna of Italiameteo, the National Civil Meteorological Agency, and the relocation of the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts) Data Centre to the Bologna Technopole, represents a unique opportunity to coordinate Science, Technology and Operational needs and to tackle the major computing challenges facing the meteorological community, namely big data and computational efficiency.
Director of the Hydro Meteo Climate Service of ARPAE (ARPAE-SIMC)
Laurea in Physics, “Università degli Studi” of Bologna (Italy).
Present position. Director of the Hydro Meteo Climate Service of ARPAE (ARPAE-SIMC), the Emilia-Romagna Agency for Environment and Energy and Head of Numerical Modelling Section, now including Weather and Marine Prediction, and the Group working on Sea and Coast Defence, at ARPAESIMC. The division is involved in many operational and research activities related to: Limited Area Model – Numerical Weather Prediction, Limited Area Ensemble Prediction, Data Assimilation, Modelverification, Wave modelling and Oceanography, Coast defence and monitoring.
Since 2004, this position includes the coordination of the activities related to the role of ARPAE-SIMC as Centre of Competence in Numerical Weather Prediction in the framework of the National Civil Protection organization.
Author of several scientific publications. Coordination and participation to national and international projects, working groups, panels and committees. Tutor of several Bachelor, Master and PhD students.