Luca Mercalli

President of the Italian Meteorological Society

Thursday, March the 22nd, 12:00 pm

Rain and snow yesterday and tomorrow: How much water will we have in the greenhouse century?

Rain, snow and ice are the primary sources which provide a territory with water. Their variability has always decreed misery or prosperity. Droughts cause the reduction of food production and of available hydraulic energy. But what will happen with global warming? The Alpine region, Europe’s water reservoir, will be examined as a case study of future scenarios, which all concord in forecasting temperature increases together with corresponding decreases in river flow, especially in summer, alternating with severe floods.

President of the Italian Meteorological Society and scientific journalist for La Stampa and Rai

He is active in research on climates and glaciers, teaches environmental sustainability in schools and universities in Italy, Switzerland and France, is currently a lecturer at the Ferdinando Rossi School of Advanced Studies of the University of Turin and the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo/Bra. He has cooperated with the European Commission in the field of climate change communication, adaptation to global warming in mountain regions and soil protection. He implements green choices personally, living in a solar-powered house, travelling in an electric car and cultivating his own kitchen garden. For RAI he worked in “Che tempo che fa”, “Scala Mercalli”, “TGMontagne” and RaiNews24. Editorialist for La Stampa and an innovative voice in environmental communication, he has written thousands of articles and given over 1800 conferences. His books include: Filosofia delle nuvole, Che tempo che farà, Viaggi nel tempo che fa, Prepariamoci, Clima bene comune, Il mio orto tra cielo e terra.

Luca Mercalli

President of the Italian Meteorological Society and scientific journalist for La Stampa and Rai